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[1] Wu G, Cao F, Zhao P, Zhang X, Li Z, Yu N, Wang Z, Hu Y, Sun H, Gu H. Novel periodic bilayer Au nanostructures for ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [J] Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5(20): 1800802. (Impact factor: 7.20)

[2] Wu G, Cao F, Zhao P, Li Z, Yu N, Wang Z, Zhang X, Hu Y, Zhang X, Gu H. Influence of structural parameters on surface enhanced Raman scattering of Au nanoarrays [J] Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2019, 19: 5317-5322. (Impact factor: 1.354)

[3] Song C, Wu G, Sun B, Xiong Y, Zhu S, Hu Y, Gu H, Wang Y, Chen W. Pt-WO3 porous composite ceramics outstanding for sensing low concentrations of hydrogen in air at room temperature [J] International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(9): 6420-6424. (Impact factor: 8.00)

[4] Zhu S, Li P, Wu G, Li Z, Wu P, Hu Y, Gu H, Chen W. Extraordinary room-temperature hydrogen sensing capabilities with high humidity tolerance of PteSnO2 composite nanoceramics prepared using SnO2 agglomerate powder [J] International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(45): 21177-21185. (Impact factor: 8.00)

[5] Li M, Song M, Wu G, Tang Z, Sun Y, He Y, Li J, Li L, Gu H, Liu X, Ma C, Peng Z, Ai Z, Lewis DJ. A free-standing and self-healable 2D supramolecular material based on hydrogen bonding: a nanowire array with sub-2-nm resolution [J] Small, 2017, 13(21). (Impact factor: 15.70)

[6] Zhang X, Zhang B, Peng K, Shen X, Wu G, Yan Y, Luo S, Lu X, Wang G, Gu H, Zhou X. Spontaneously promoted carrier mobility and strengthened phonon scattering in p-type YbZn2 Sb2 via a nanocompositing approach [J] Nano Energy, 2018, 43: 159-167. (Impact factor: 23.10)

[7] He J, Hu Y, Wang Z, Lu W, Yang S, Wu G, Wang Y, Wang S, Gu H, Wang J. Hydrothermal growth and optical properties of Nb2O5 nanorod arrays [J] Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2(38): 8185-8190. (Impact factor: 10.90)

[8] Liu X, Dong W, Xia C, Huang Q, Cai Y, Wei L, Wu G, Wang X, Tong Y, Qiao Z, Meng Y, Mushtaq N, Wang B, Wang H. Study on charge transportation in the layer-structured oxide composite of SOFCs [J] International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(28): 12773-12781. (Impact factor: 8.00)


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1. 胡永明,吴桂泰,顾豪爽,王钊,一种陶瓷放电管低温镍金属化封接方法[P].中国发明专利:ZL201510918978.020186月。

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